Two army units, one British and one German, arrived in Italy. They were to fight each other face to face in one of the biggest and most controversial battles of the Second World War. We are all glad to get away from there. The division was never assigned. There was much laughter. What if we were robbed of the best thing in life, our youth? That's what we lost. These are some of the true stories of that fight, told by the men of both sides who took part in this extraordinary five-month conflict, described as an act of insanity. It became known as the Battle of Monte Cassino. By 1944, the war had begun to turn in the Allies' favor, and Germany was now on the defensive. In the town of Cassino, south of Rome, German paratroopers enjoyed a drink of schnapps, unaware of what was about to hit them. They were holed up in reinforced cellars as part of a gigantic Gustav Line that crossed Italy. For over two months, the Allies had been unable to break this defensive line. Now, they were resorting to a massive air attack on the Germans in the town. It was a desperate move. Seeing the airplanes nicely lined up like a chain, one squadron after the other, glinting in the sunlight, you could see the bomb hatches open, and you could see the bombs falling. For over three hours, Allied bombers dropped a thousand tons of bombs on the town of Cassino and the German paratroopers inside, around five tons of explosives for every soldier. As a result, in the cellar, we sat in silence, nobody saying a word. Hopefully, we thought the roof wouldn't collapse and worried about what would happen if it did. Of course, we knew that this...
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How to update your Dd93 online Form: What You Should Know
How can I update my address? The best place to update your address is on your DD-214. You will find your contact information is there. When you fill out your DD-214 for the first time, you will be asked to identify this with your name. To update your address, go to a Federal Building 1st Floor; U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) Room G1400; Washington, DC 20402, USA Contact your Post Office so they can mail an updated copy. Dec 14, 2025 — Soldiers who use the S-1 (Sectional Office) or Human Resources sections may have to send the SGI to their chain-of-command to have it changed. If a soldier wants to update this data they can go to your SGI section and follow the instructions to update your DD Form 93.  Login using your SGI authentication information if you did not include this in your DD-214. The page will take you through a few screens where you will then be able to provide your new information on the form. You may be asking “Why don't you just change the name or address on the form if there is no additional data needed?” What if there was someone to replace me when I retired? Soldiers who need to update their address may call their chain-of- command to have them change it. However, after you receive your DD Form 93, the information is never removed from the system and cannot be changed with your S-1 if there is no other info to provide. So, if your spouse has been awarded a Purple Heart while married. It has to be provided with your DD-214 when you register the form. What if someone else was to replace me? If you are given the option to change your address because you need to move or someone else in your family is receiving benefits under a PALS/Permanent Immediate Family Member (PAIR) card, you must provide proof that you are the beneficiary of the PAIR card for this information to be changed. If someone else is replacing you, and they are not your spouse, the new SGI will have your new address on file with the SGI. If someone else is replacing you for you, the SGI will have your new address on file with your new SGI.
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How to complete any Dd 93 online: - On the site with all the document, click on Begin immediately along with complete for the editor.
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PDF editor permits you to help make changes to your Dd 93 from the internet connected gadget, personalize it based on your requirements, indicator this in electronic format and also disperse differently.
Video instructions and help with filling out and completing How to update your Dd93 online