The DD 93 is a record of emergency data that serves several functions. It is important to divide this text into sentences and correct any mistakes. Here is the corrected version: The DD 93 record of emergency data should be utilized in case of an emergency or death. It serves several functions for you. The first important purpose of the DD 93 is it helps us identify and locate your next of kin for notification. If there is a change in who your next of kin are, you need to update that information to ensure the army notifies the right person and goes to the correct location. Secondly, it allows you to identify who you want to receive your death gratuity. If you want to leave money to your minor children, make sure you consult a legal assistance attorney to ensure the designation is done properly. If you fail to do so, that money could be tied up for months or even years. The DD 93 also enables you to identify who should receive unpaid pay and allowances. Additionally, it allows you to identify the person authorized to direct the disposition of your remains. This person will be in charge of all funeral and memorial arrangements in the unfortunate event of your death as a soldier. There are some statutory requirements, but the DD 93 allows you to choose the person you believe is best capable of handling this tough task. In the remarks or continuation section, you can not only provide additional information but also give instructions and directions. This can include notifying about language barriers, other life insurance policies, the location of a will, or preferences for rehabilitation in case of injury. The DD 93 provides an opportunity to help the army take care of your family as if...
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Dd 93 Form: What You Should Know
Posted in News and Announcements, U.S. Army, Special Defense and Special Operations, Wartime History of Special Forces · Uncategorized by: It's time for another set of historical articles from the United States Army War College! The University of Kansas has a new website — which includes the War College's website as well — so this is an excellent opportunity to keep up with the latest posts. The War College is an important institution for the Army. It was founded in 1861 in anticipation of a civil war, which ended a month after its founding. Posted by Michael K. Ball at 11:51 AM No comments: The First Navy Sextant By David G. Laser, Jr. The story of the first “sextant” (a device to measure the angles) of a United States Navy vessel was written by Admiral Jonathan Hopkins on for the Naval Historical Center. In a letter dated 6 Oct., 1777, the Admiral wrote to a friend with respect to the Navy's first sextant. While he was talking about the need for a sextant in the Navy, he wrote: “At present, all the vessels that are used for navigation of the seas and of foreign places, and also those of trade, employ different instruments, in order to direct the course to that part of the horizon in which they will be at the time of sighting, but with the intention that a sextant may be invented, not so much to direct the course, by pointing directly where the ship will be in an hour, but to discover exactly where the ship may be at the time it is seen.” Posted by Michael K.
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How to complete any Dd 93 online: - On the site with all the document, click on Begin immediately along with complete for the editor.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Dd 93